The legalization of same gender marriage in parts of world set off a contentious public debate. Although the public discussion over gay marriage is difficult, some...
Everyone enjoys doing something that can cultivate a sense of righteousness in them and can also keep them happy and satisfied. The feeling of doing something...
Why does it happen that even after being certain to do that one thing, we regretted it later? Why we at times don’t feel confident about...
To travel a long distance, we usually need a vehicle – a perfectly running one. We can easily say that the distance is the journey of...
To travel a long distance, we usually need a vehicle – a perfectly running one. We can easily say that the distance is the journey of...
To travel a long distance, we usually need a vehicle – a perfectly running one. We can easily say that the distance is the journey of...
To travel a long distance, we usually need a vehicle – a perfectly running one. We can easily say that the distance is the journey of...
In middle childhood, the society of peers becomes an increasingly important context for development. Peer contact, contributes to perspective taking and understanding of self and others....
Children with mastery-oriented attributions credit their successes to high ability and failures to insufficient effort. Several transformations in self-understanding take place in middle childhood. First, children...
Attachment is the strong, affectional tie we have with special people in our lives that leads us to experience pleasure and joy when we interact with...