Summary: Despite popular belief, researchers have found no evidence that personality changes appear prior to the onset of dementia. Source: Jama Psychiatry. For a long time...
Summary: Study reveals the strength of the connection between the brain and internal organs is associated with how a person feels about their appearance. Weaker brain...
The first relationship that ever a child has in this universe is his or her mother. The manner in which the caretaker responds to the infant’s...
Summary: People may actively decide to withhold feeling compassion for others when they believe it is more challenging or requires mental effort. Source: Experimental Psychology: General....
Summary: A new study reports traumatic experiences can alter the brain, leaving people more vulnerable to psychological problems. Source: Neuropsychopharmacology. Scientists at the Virginia Tech Carilion...
Summary: Those who subscribe to the theory of Social Darwinism tend to be more hostile to others, admire power, are more exploitative, and have lower self-esteem,...
Summary: How the schizophrenic brain misinterprets the world. Source: The Journal of Neuroscience. People with schizophrenia usually misinterpret what they see and experience in the world....
Summary: Risk-taking and a lack of self-control in adolescence is a phase of personal development that is essential for shaping the adult brain in humans and...
An Emotion is nothing but one phase of a comprehensive internal adjustment that takes place in order to enable higher animals to react as coordinated entities...
Summary: Researchers find having someone to listen to you when you need to talk is associated with greater cognitive resilience Source: NYU Langone Health. A new...