Summary: In the age of technology, it is crucial to know the impact of digital interference on our mental health. The ways to maintain a balance...
Loneliness is a universal human experience, but it doesn’t have to be a stagnant state. Creativity can serve as a dynamic force, guiding us through the...
The amazing property of plasticity in our brains allows them to alter over the course of our lifetimes. The brain is mostly plastic in our early...
Mindfulness techniques present a vibrant and practical way for stress management in the digital age. By practicing present-moment awareness in our daily lives, using mindful practices...
WHAT IS CHRONIC STRESS? Chronic stress, a prolonged state of psychological strain, impacts individuals across age groups and professions. It weaves through various life facets, necessitating...
People who experience unique traumatic events such as brutal conflict, sexual assault, or domestic violence commonly develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including intense anxiety,...
A recent study shows that, contrary to popular belief, human newborn’s brains aren’t substantially less developed than monkey species. It just appears that way since so...