Dissociative symptoms, like out-of-body sensations or emotional numbness, can be linked to trauma and unique neural networks, potentially aiding or harming long-term coping. Researchers at McLean...
A stressful incident or events can lead to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and increased Alcohol Use. While PTSD is commonly linked to military...
A recent study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine reveals a mental health advantage for British Indian children over British White youngsters. Lead...
The catastrophic 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident in Japan had a significant and persistent impact on mental health, with some effects continuing for years, according...
Scientists identify 80 genes linked to depression, offering new insights for treatment and understanding of this complex condition. Researchers suggest results may reveal why some individuals...
Providing pregnant American Indian teens with intensive parenting and health education through Family Spirit reduced their drug use, depression, and behavioral issues. It also set their...