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4 incredible Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) products you’ll wish you discovered sooner



The therapy strategy known as Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) was created by psychologist Paul Gilbert. To address difficulties relating to self-criticism, shame, and self-compassion, it draws on a variety of disciplines including evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, and Buddhist psychology.

CFT seeks to foster inner warmth and acceptance as well as compassion for oneself and others. It acknowledges that a lot of psychological issues stem from how people relate to themselves and others, which is frequently marked by self-criticism, shame, and a lack of self-compassion. In order to promote emotional healing and wellbeing, CFT aims to cultivate compassion. This secure and caring atmosphere is created within.

compassion focused

The main tenets of CFT are as follows:

1. Compassionate Mind Training:

Compassion Focused Therapy uses techniques including mindfulness, visualisation, and compassionate self-talk to help people cultivate a compassionate mind. The aim is to establish a kind, loving, and understanding attitude towards oneself and others as well as to promote self-compassion.

2. Evolutionary psychology:

Compassion Focused Therapy investigates how human emotions and behaviours have evolved through time. It recognises that our brains have evolved to be extremely perceptive to dangers and self-protection, but it emphasises the necessity of striking a balance between this and the capacity for self-soothing and demonstrating love and caring.

3. Emotional Regulation:

Compassion Focused Therapy focuses on assisting people in controlling and managing challenging emotions including anger, humiliation, and guilt. People can develop emotional resilience by cultivating a caring mindset, which teaches them how to calm down and comfort themselves when confronted with difficult feelings.

4. Relational Focus:

Compassion Focused Therapy recognises how important connections are to maintaining our wellbeing. It places a strong emphasis on developing compassionate connections with oneself and others. People can improve their capacity to relate to others in a loving and empathic way by cultivating a compassionate mentality.

Numerous mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, and personality disorders have been treated using compassion-focused therapy. It can be used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities or as a stand-alone therapy.

While I can give broad information on compassion-focused therapy, it is always advised to seek the advice of a licenced mental health professional who specialises in this method for a thorough knowledge and direction.

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