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    Research suggests that being excessively controlling of oneself can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior.



    Summery : Research suggests that being excessively controlling of oneself can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior. In simple terms, a recent study discovered that being aggressive does not always mean someone has difficulty controlling themselves. Sometimes, aggression is purposeful, as a way to seek revenge.

    The author of the new paper, David Chester, is a professor at VCU’s College of Humanities and Sciences. The paper, titled “Aggression As Successful Self-Control,” was published by the journal Social and Personality Psychology Compass. It uses meta-analysis to combine information from many previous studies in psychology and neurology.

    Source: Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Research on aggressive behavior.

    “As a run the show, when people discussion roughly violence, they say it happens since someone couldn’t control themselves,” Chester said. In minutes of strong sentiments, we regularly can’t control our empower to act commandingly. In any case, there’s another side to the story.

    Chester’s research showed that the people who are most aggressive don’t necessarily have problems with self-control, and trying to improve self-control through training programs hasn’t been successful in decreasing violent behavior. Instead, the study discovered enough proof that being able to control oneself can sometimes lead to aggression.

    Chester said that people who seek revenge often plan their actions carefully and have good control over themselves. They are able to wait and choose the right time to get back at those who they feel have treated them badly. “Even people with psychopathic tendencies, who make up the majority of those who commit violent acts, often show strong improvement in their ability to control themselves during their teenage years. “

    Chester discovered that aggressive behavior is connected to more brain activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for self-control. The research shows that the idea that aggression comes mainly from lacking self-control is not as strong as we used to think.

    Chester said that this paper challenges the idea that violence only occurs when people lose control of their actions, which has been widely accepted in aggression research for many years. Instead, it suggests that having self-control can both limit and support aggression, depending on the person and the circumstances.

    The results also suggest that we need to be more careful when using treatments, therapies, and interventions that try to reduce violence by helping people control themselves better, according to Chester.

    “Various trades endeavor to teach people to control their slants, but this other way of overseeing with threatening vibe proposes that though it may decrease antagonistic vibe for a couple, of it can as well make others more commanding,” he explained. Yes, we might be showing people how to use their aggression in the best way.

    Chester, who is a psychologist that often researches why people become aggressive, was surprised by the results.

    “He said that within the past, our inquire about has been affected by the conviction in our field that animosity could be a rash behavior related to a need of self-control.” But when we considered the mental characteristics of pernicious and psychopathic people, we found out that they not because it were fight with controlling their exercises, but as well have distinctive mental changes and capacities that offer help them harmed others though still being able to control themselves.

    Chester and his team want to keep studying aggression and self-control using the information they found in the study.

    Chester said that our future research will be guided by a new way of thinking. This means that aggression is usually caused by complicated thinking and not just uncontrollable urges.

    This study was helped by funding from an organization called the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which is a part of the National Institutes of Health.

    Source : Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Image Source : Canva

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